
Reincarnation: In The Name Of Evil – Walkthrough – Overview

A Reincarnation: In The Name Of Evil walkthrough for those who do not know how to beat Reincarnation: In The Name Of Evil and is looking for a Reincarnation: In The Name Of Evil guide in order to beat it. A detailed walkthrough and guide complete with screen shots and text descriptions.

Reincarnation: In The Name Of Evil – Walkthrough – Upstairs
Reincarnation: In The Name Of Evil Walkthrough
1. Read note “a” on mirror.
2. Change clock “b” to 1.30pm to make him leave.
3. Drop photo “c” to get his attention.
4. Unplug clock “d” and take it with you.
5. Open cabinet “e” and take duck.
6. Turn on tap “f” and let water flow.
7. Click down arrow “g” to go downstairs.
8. Back from downstairs, turn off lights “h”,
9. Put duck in bath tub “i” and go back downstairs.

Reincarnation: In The Name Of Evil – Walkthrough – Downstairs
Reincarnation: In The Name Of Evil Walkthrough
1. Make noise with plank “a” to get his attention.
2. Quickly remove sheet “b” before he turns back.
3. Open up the top of the bomb.
4. Make noise with plant “a” again.
5. Quickly take batteries out of the bomb.
6. Put batteries into clock.
7. Put clock in mouse hole “c” and go back upstairs.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Nice graphics. Short though since it is a mini game. Unable to be played offline. Bummer.
Deimos Asks
What do you think about flash games which are not able to be played offline? Why?


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